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LEADER IN BASALT FRP Providing rust-proof Basalt Fiber Reinforcement products for all concrete structures. FREE CONSULTATION BASALT vs STEEL 100% Non-Corrosive 2.5X Stronger Green Reduced Cracking 1/4 The Weight 100+ Year Life Span Providing innovative concrete reinforcement solutions throughout the US and globally Looking for an alternative to steel? We provide non-corrosive, lightweight basalt composite concrete reinforcing products engineered as a sustainable alternative to conventional steel reinforcement. Our products significantly extend the life of concrete structures helping property owners reduce overall costs and increase their bottom line. Contact STEEL REBAR STRUCTURAL ISSUES Deteriorating concrete infrastructure results from the corrosion of steel, which decays from rain, wind, salt, and anti-icing chemicals. Explore BASALT FIBER COMPOSITE REBAR Corrosion free, strong and light weight, developed to improve the quality of concrete construction. Explore THE FUTURE OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Innovative, corrosion proof composite reinforcement is used for residential, commercial, and industrial slabs on grade, hydraulic structures, and pre-cast concrete elements Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Rebar Composite rebar is corrosion free and light weight, developed to improve quality and strength in concrete construction. Learn more View More Roads reinforced with basalt composite rebar A new alternative to steel rebar that dramatically reduces cracking and spalling in concrete structures. Learn more View More High-rises built with basalt composite rebar Buildings of all sizes may utilize the advantages of basalt rebar for reinforcing slabs and structural elements. Learn more View More THIS BRIDGE IS CONSTRUCTED WITH BASALT FIBER REBAR Basalt Fiber / Epoxy Reinforcements, stiff, totally non rusting 10.25” x 40’ piling cage weighs only 140 lbs. and can be carried by two people. THE ADVANTAGES OF BASALT COMPOSITE REBAR IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES The use of basalt fiber rebar provides significant savings while increasing safety Savings on life cycle cost Construction savings Increased safety for owners and users Green product Corrosion resistance Thermal insulation and lightness Thermal expansion compatible with concrete Electrical and magnetic neutrality Superior tensile strength Simplified management on site APPLICATIONS Residential Reduced use of material, quicker build, and lower maintenance cost BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION Our engineering team provides local assistance to infrastructure owners, engineers, contractors and fabricators. Please fill out the form below and our team will be in touch with you shortly. Inquiry THE WIDEST RANGE OF LOCATIONS Bluefiber Group is opening locations worldwide through local partnerships to provide regional service to construction companies interested in basalt fiber rebar and other products for reinforced concrete construction Find a dealer near you Investment oppostunity
Residential RESIDENTIAL Build with confidence and peace of mind Basalt Composite Rebar pool Concrete pool and slabs Pre-cast concrete slabs Concrete flooring Custom concrete home Residential concrete walls COMMERCIAL Commericial Reliable structures at overall lower costs Utilities area Commercial Building Commercial outdoor construction Driveway concrete slabs Slabs in commercial facilities Pre-cast walls INDUSTRIAL Indstrial Ideal for large concrete surfaces Warehouse Outside concrete slabs Interior slabs Slabs-on-grade High weight slabs Underground TRANSPORTATION Infrastructural Federal, state, and local government construction projects Reservoirs Concrete roads Bridge construction Overpass structure Link overpass bridges Bridge under construction
Do you have questions? We have answers. BFRP Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer 1. What is Basalt? 2. What's the difference between Basalt Rebar and fiberglass rebar? 3. Is Basalt Rebar a green product? 4. How does Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Rebar compare to steel rebar? 5. How does one directly compare the performance between basalt rebar and steel? 6. How does Basalt Rebar pricing compare to steel pricing? 7. Can you bend Basalt Rebar at the jobsite? 8. Does Basalt FRP have its own governing bod like steel? 9. What testing of signifigance has been performed on Basalt REbar? 10. What are typical applications for BFRP? 11. What are the main advantages of BFRP Rebar? 12. Does salt water affect BFRP? 13. Are there back applications for BFRP's? 14. Is Basalt Rebar manufactured in the USA? 15. What size of Basalt Rebar are available? 16. What other types of reinforcing products does Blue Fiber use? 17. What is Modulus strength? 18. What is Tensile strength? 19. Why is Tensile strength so important? 20. What is pultrusion and how is it compared to extrustion? Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 1. What is Basalt? Basalt is the most common rock on the planet and defined as an extrusive igneous (volcanic) rock that is low in silica content, dark in color, and comparatively rich in iron and magnesium. By way of comparison, basalt fiber is similar to carbon fiber or fiberglass, but basalt has superior mechanical properties than fiberglass, and has a significantly lower cost than carbon fiber (10 – 15X lower). 2. What’s the difference between Basalt Rebar and fiberglass rebar? Basalt and Glass are both FRP’s and similar in price, but with some major exceptions: ● Basalt has twice the working temperature of fiberglass (400°C vs 200°C) ● Basalt has 20 – 40% better mechanical properties and puncture resistance ● Basalt has a much greater resistance to chemicals, alkali and UV ● Basalt is very Eco-Friendly; with a dramatically lower environmental impact (10 : 1) 3. Is Basalt Rebar a green product? Bluefiber Group is a proud member of the US Green Building Council, and its BFRP Rebar is Eco-Friendly. According to the ACMA, the American Composite Manufacturing Association, it has demonstrated that the production of BFRP Rebar has less than 1/10th the carbon footprint of steel, and basalt has the lowest environmental impact in a Life-Cycle Assessment compared with other FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) rebars. Basalt fiber is all natural and produced from stone; having no additives that are typically found in other materials such as glass fiber. Additional LEEDs contributions are found in the transportation and handling. Steel requires 4 truckloads vs. 1 for Basalt Rebar. Steel requires special equipment to unload vs. none for Basalt Rebar , and 50% more time & labor is expended to receive and unload the exact same number of steel rebar compared with Basalt Rebar ! 4. How does Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Rebar compare with steel rebar? BFRP is a sustainable, rust proof alternative to traditional steel reinforcement, with 25% of the weight of steel and a specific tensile strength that is 2.5 times greater (bar for bar). It’s also Impervious to attacks from alkali, chemicals or water, which causes steel to corrode (iron oxide hydrate, or rust). 5. How does one directly compare the performance between Basalt Rebar and steel? Calculations for Steel’s performance are based on long existing standard (or stipulated) data, and therefore selected according to its guaranteed tensile strength (Example: Grade 60 = 60,000 psi). Calculations for Basalt Rebar are dependent upon data generated and Certified from a 3rd Party accredited laboratory. Although the engineering for FRP’s is different than steel, the mechanical data for either product is used similarly to determine the proper amount of reinforcement in a cross section of concrete. Basanite provides proprietary software that allows the design professional to directly compare the standards and calculations for BFRP use in ACI 440, with the standards and calculations outlined in ACI 318 for steel. This “Code Normalization” demonstrates the selection of Basalt Rebar can be an excellent alternative to steel, thus making it easier for a designer to select BFRP and capture all the benefits not available when selecting steel rebar. 6. How does Basalt Rebar pricing compare with steel pricing? This varies depending on the cost of steel this week. One of the values of selecting Basalt Rebar , is that its pricing is stable compared with steel. Typically, steel pricing is good for a week at a time, forcing larger buy-ups to secure best pricing. Normally, “off the shelf” pricing of steel from large wholesalers, is cheaper than FRP’s. However, steel rebar and BFRP rebar are clearly not “apples to apples” as reinforcing products – and shouldn’t be compared that way. More often than not, you will save money using Basalt Rebar on a sizeable project based on the final “in-place cost” - everything considered. Additionally, the Total Cost of Ownership is greatly reduced by choosing Basalt Rebar over steel rebar. 7. Can you bend Basalt Rebar at the jobsite? Hard bends at the jobsite are not possible. All hard bends (90’s, stirrups, angles, etc.) are fabricated during production; according to your design and delivered to the job site along with the straight bars. This practice saves the installer significant time and eliminates waste for a quicker and easy installation. 8. Does Basalt FRP have its own governing body like Steel? Yes. ACI (American Concrete Institute) 440.1R-15 offers general information on the history and use of all FRP reinforcement, a description of the unique material properties of FRP, and guidelines for the design and construction of structural concrete members reinforced with FRP bars. You will also find specific information about the selection and use of FRP’s in AC454, Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars for Internal Reinforcement of Concrete Members Acceptance as part of the ICC-ES, and FDOT’s Spec 932-3. 9. What testing of significance has been performed on Basalt Rebar? Outside of multiple ASTM testing criterion, Basalt Rebar has passed the equivalent of AC 454 testing protocol (Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars for Internal Reinforcement of Concrete Members Acceptance), as specified within the Basalt Rebar Certificate of Compliance, most recently published in January of 2021. 10. What are typical applications for BFRP? Although Basalt Rebar can be used in any cubic yard (or meter) of concrete, the most attractive applications are usually those harshest applications where steel rebar is not really part of the solution… for example: ● Hydraulic Structures & Precast ● Freeze Thaw Environments ● Thin Wall & Panel Systems ● Harsh Chemical Environments ● Architectural Precast ● Bridge Decking ● Sea Walls & Marine Applications ● High Heat Applications ● Shielding Concrete 11. What are the main advantages of BFRP Rebar? A. 100% Corrosion and Rust Proof – This eliminates spalling and cracking experienced by selecting traditional steel reinforcement and further eliminates the costs and need for special coatings or treatments on your concrete. You can even consider a reduction in the overall concrete depth or wall thickness – also saving money and time on the project. All in all, by using Basalt Rebar . Rebar you are reducing the Total Cost of Ownership and creating a 100+ year useful lifecycle! B. 75% Lighter than Steel – The lighter weight makes Basalt Rebar safer and easier to unload, handle and place, saving time on the jobsite. Also, it requires no special equipment to unload the truck. Trucking is also a huge advantage with less trips (4 x 1) for the same linear footage of bar. C. Stronger than Steel – Basalt Rebar has a specific tensile strength of 2.5 X greater than steel rebar. This attribute allows you to go down a bar size in secondary reinforcement applications! D. Non-Conductive – Bluefiber’s entire family of reinforcing products are all non-conductive, and do not interfere with RF signals – unlike carbon and steel reinforcement. E. Natural Resistance – Basalt Rebar is naturally resistant to heat, chemicals, UV, alkali and moisture. Basalt Rebar can be considered for even the harshest environments and applications. 12. Does salt water affect BFRP? Test results show that the static strength of the BFRP shows negligible degradation after prolonged aging in the salt solution, making Basalt Rebar an excellent choice for salt water concrete applications. 13. Are there bad applications for BFRP’s? Pretty much anywhere you have selected up to a #8 (25 mm or 1.0” diameter) rebar, you can consider Basalt Rebar as an alternative. At this time, FRP’s are not recommended as the main structural members for primary vertical reinforcement in high rises of more than 4 stories – although, neither is #8 steel in most cases. This is due to a lower modulus vs steel. It is however, approved for use in the internal walls and flooring to reduce the weight of the structure. 14. Is Basalt Rebar manufactured in the USA? Yes. Bluefiber’s family of reinforcing products are produced right here in the USA. Our current production facility is located in Pompano Beach, FL; with future plans to grow into several manufacturing plants throughout the US. 15. What sizes of Basalt Rebar are available? Bluefiber provides Basalt Rebar in #2 - #8 Bar sizes, which is equal to ¼” – 1.0” in diameter. Standard stocked bar lengths are 10’, 20’ and 40’ (3M, 6M and 12M). Longer length coils are available up through #4 (1/2”) diameter size bar, with custom cut sizes available upon request. Watch for announcements in the second half of 2021 as Basanite will then be commercializing #9 & #10 (1.128” & 1.270”) Basalt Rebar . Special stirrups, bends and shapes are engineered and can be produced from any size of bar (#2 - #8). 16. What other types of reinforcing products does Bluefiber produce? Other than Bluefiber’s “patent pending” BFRP Rebar, the company proudly produces a line of Basalt Fiber (Micro and Macro), as well as a line of GeoGrid Mesh. Basalt Rebar is a blend of chopped basalt fibers that provide, 3-dimensional, secondary isotropic reinforcement. Basalt Rebar (Microfiber) and BasaMix-M (Macro Fiber) are engineered to impart toughness to any concrete element at a range of 0.1% – 0.3% by volume respectively. BasaMix™ delivers 100’s of millions of individual, high tenacity fibers that control the formation of plastic shrinkage cracking by absorbing the stresses associated with volumetric changes in fresh and hardened concrete, leaving you with a fiber-free finish. BasaMix™ greatly improves the surface performance and durability of your concrete through impact and fatigue resistance, and through freeze / thaw cycles. BasaMesh™ is a Geo Grid Mesh made from Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymers and is used as an alternative to traditional welded wire mesh in walls, flatwork, and precast – especially in reinforcing applications where coverage and depth of application or shadowing are of concern. 17. What is Modulus strength? Often known as Young’s Modulus, or Tensile Modulus, is a mechanical property of linear elastic materials, or its stiffness. It evaluates the elasticity of rigid or solid material, which is the relation between the deformation of a material and the power needed to deform it, or the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test. Modulus is typically measured in GPa’s (Gigapascals). 18. What is Tensile strength? Tensile strength is the maximum load that a material can support without rupture when being overextended (in short, an ability to withstand a pulling force), divided by the original cross-sectional area of the material. Tensile strengths are typically measured in pounds per square inch, or psi. 19. Why is Tensile strength so important? Often a reduction in ductility and an increase in brittleness are related to an enhanced corrosion rate, which subsequently can change the failure of a material from a ductile failure (beyond the limits of tensile strength) to a perilous brittle failure. As noted in the paragraph above, and as a point of common sense, steel rusts and corrodes. 20. What is pultrusion, and how is it compared to extrusion? Pultrusion is a process where fibers, in this instance basalt fibers, are pulled through a resin matrix and a precise die; then heated at specific temperatures where the resin is cured in and around the fibers. Extrusion melts resin pellets and pushes them through a die to create fibers and profiles Up
OUR PRODUCTS Rebar Manufacturing Basalt rock at the gravel stage ready to be ground into powder. Rebar inventory Processing Basalt Fiber to fabricate composite products. Rebars ready to ship Straight Basalt Composite Rebar ready for shipping and use in concrete. Pre-bent Shapes Pre-bent formats can be ordered in any shapes or sizes for your projects. Basalt Mesh Mesh for easy installation and the pouring of concrete. Mesh ready for use Concrete slabs built with basalt composite rebar last a life-time.
- Precast Show Columbus | BLUEFIBER GROUP
Come meet Bluefiber Group President Chris Piedmonte at the 2023 NPCA Precast Show! Chris will be available to talk with you regarding the many advantages of basalt fiber reinforcement as an alternative to steel and fiberglass. Make your appointment now and Bluefiber Group will provide free materials and engineering support for your test castings using BFRP rebar, mesh, and concrete additives.
- Consultation Schedule | BLUEFIBER GROUP
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION Our engineering team provides local assistance to infrastructure owners, engineers, contractors and fabricators. Please fill out the form below and our team will be in touch with you shortly.
- Cookie Policy | BLUEFIBER GROUP
Cookie Policy What Are Cookies As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored however this may downgrade or 'break' certain elements of the sites functionality. How We Use Cookies We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use. Disabling Cookies You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. The Cookies We Set Account related cookies If you create an account with us then we will use cookies for the management of the signup process and general administration. These cookies will usually be deleted when you log out however in some cases they may remain afterwards to remember your site preferences when logged out. Login related cookies We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in. Forms related cookies When you submit data to through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence. Site preferences cookies In order to provide you with a great experience on this site we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page is affected by your preferences. Third Party Cookies In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site. This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page. The Google AdSense service we use to serve advertising uses a DoubleClick cookie to serve more relevant ads across the web and limit the number of times that a given ad is shown to you. For more information on Google AdSense see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ. More Information Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren't sure whether you need or not it's usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site. However if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us by email at
- Governance | BLUEFIBER GROUP
GOVERNANCE Governance at a Glace GOVERNANCE Overview We're experts in the field of basalt fiber construction products. Blue Fiber Group is leading the way in basalt fiber-enhanced construction, including reinforced concrete and other applications. Board of Directors Gevernance Documents
BOOK A TIME Learn how our products can help improve your projects. Schedule a time to talk to us.
Reinforcing Concrete with Basalt Rebar Providing rust-proof Basalt Fiber Reinforcement products and engineering services for concrete structures. FREE CONSULTATION 100% NON-CORROSIVE 1/10 CO2 EMMISSION 2.5 X AS STRONG 40% LESS CONCRETE 1/4 THE WEIGHT 100+ YEARS LIFE SPAN
- Basalt Rebar
Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composite Superior, cost-effective products and engineering services for concrete structures. FREE CONSULTATION Providing innovative concrete reinforcement solutions throughout the US and globally We provide non-corrosive, lightweight basalt composite concrete reinforcing products engineered as a sustainable alternative to conventional steel reinforcement. Our products significantly extend the life of concrete structures helping property owners reduce overall costs and increase their bottom line. Basalt vs Steel Basalt vs Steel The many advantages of basalt fiber products over steel seen in concrete construction in every level. 100% NON-CORROSIVE 2.5x AS STRONG 1/4 THE WEIGHT 100+ YEARS LIFE SPAN Steel Rebar Structure Issues Deteriorating concrete infrastructure results from the corrosion of steel, which decays from rain, wind, salt, and anti-icing chemicals. Explore Basalt Fiber Composite Rebar Corrosion free, strong and light weight, developed to improve the quality of concrete construction. Explore The Future of Concrete Construction Innovative, corrosion proof composite reinforcement is used for residential, commercial, and industrial slabs on grade, hydraulic structures, and pre-cast concrete elements Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar (BFRP) Composite rebar is corrosion free and light weight, developed to improve quality and strength in concrete construction. Learn more View More Roads reinforced with basalt composite rebar A new alternative to steel rebar that dramatically reduces cracking and spalling in concrete structures. Learn more View More High-rises built with basalt composite rebar Buildings of all sizes may utilize the advantages of basalt rebar for reinforcing slabs and structural elements. Learn more View More This bridge is constructed with basalt fiber rebar Basalt Fiber / Epoxy Reinforcements, stiff, totally non rusting 10.25” x 40’ piling cage weighs only 140 lbs. and can be carried by two people. Benefits-advantages-savings Benefits Easier logistics & handling Faster concrete cure Faster project delivery Less labor Safer work environment Negligible repair Advantages Green product Corrosion resistance Thermal insulation and lightness Concrete compatible thermal expansion Electrical and magnetic neutrality Superior tensile strength Simplified management on site Savings Logistics & handling cost Overall build cost Labor cost Insurance cost Repair cost Life cycle cost Applications Residential Reduced use of material, quicker build, and lower maintenance cost. Consultation Book a free consultation Our engineering team provides local assistance to infrastructure owners, engineers, contractors and fabricators. Please fill out the form below and our team will be in touch with you shortly. The widest range of locations Bluefiber Group is opening locations worldwide through local partnerships to provide regional service to construction companies interested in basalt fiber rebar and other products for reinforced concrete construction Find a dealer near you Investment opportunity
CERTIFICATIONS MAKE AN EDUCATED DECISION Basalt Rebar ACI Codes To be allowed by your local building inspector department to use basalt rebar reference the various ACI codes that apply. Here is the statement that applies to Basalt rebar… Basalt FRP Rebar is used as per ACI 440.1R-06. The construction use is dictated by code 440.6-08. It is specified by 440.5-08 and tested according to ASTM D7205 and several other test methods. ASTM testing of Basalt FRP rebar shows that Basalt FRP rebar easily meets the performance requirements of ACI 440.6-08. Also applicable to Basalt rebar is ACI 440R-07 Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. The use of Basalt rebar came along after ACI 440.6-08 was published so the Basalt version of FRP was not specifically called out in that document. However, ACI 440R-07 (a later document) does specifically call out Basalt rebar as an FRP rebar. It says “Fibers commonly used to make FRP bars are glass, carbon, and aramid. Recently, continuous Basalt fibers have become commercially available as an alternative to glass fibers.” It talks about Basalt FRP rebar all through the document and includes it in its various tables, but the key point is that it is classed as FRP. Basalt FRP rebar is approved as natural fiberglass, meeting the certification specifications of ACI 440.6-08 and signed off as fiberglass FRP rebar. In doing so, the job will simply be overbuilt because the physicals of Basalt rebar are higher than fiberglass, falling between fiberglass and carbon fiber. Basalt rebar can be placed to meet code requirements by using the calculations and installation guidelines for fiberglass reinforcement of concrete as defined in ACI 440.6-08. Recommendations for maximum deflection and shear of concrete elements reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar’s are presented in ACI 440.1R-06 (2006) “Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars”. Basalt rebar has been tested at various universities and approved by the American Concrete Institute under ACI 440-10. Basalt rebar is used according to ACI 440. 1R-06. The construction use is dictated by code 440.6-08. It is specified by 440.5-08 and tested according to ASTM D7205 and several other testing methods. ISO 9001: Basalt rebar has been tested by several methods and approved by ISO 9001. In the ACI documentation, the term FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer ) includes Basalt based FRP. The term BFRP is often used instead of saying Basalt Rebar. Existing Basalt Rebar specifications and testing requirements. USA ACI 440.3R-4: Guide for the test methods for fiber reinforced polymers for reinforcing or strengthening concrete structures. Published by the American Concrete Institute. ACI 440.1R-06: Guide for the design and construction of concrete reinforced with FRP Bars. Published by the American Concrete Institute. ASTM Standards D570 Standard test method for water absorption of plastics D619 Standard practice for conditioning plastics for testing D695 Standard test method for compressive properties of rigid plastics D790 Standard test methods for flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics D792 Standard test methods for density and specific gravity D2734 Void content of reinforced plastics D3410 Standard test method for compressive properties of polymer matrix composite materials Design Manuals Isis Design Manual No 3: Reinforcing concrete structures with fiber reinforced polymers Committees American Concrete Institute (ACI): 440 Composites for Concrete American Concrete Institute (ACI): 400H Reinforced Concrete (rebar) American Concrete Institute (ACI): 440I Pre-stressed concrete (tendons) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Structural Composites and Plastics American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) : ASTM D20.18.01 FRP Materials for concrete. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) : ASTM D20.18.02 Pultruded Profiles. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) : ASTM D30.30.01 Composites for Civil Engineering. AASHTO Bridge Subcommittee: T-21 FRP Composites